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Association of Research Institutes in Art History

ARIAH Digital Development Award for Art History Publishing

Launched in 2017, ARIAH is delighted to be offering again an award that contributes funding to the development of digital publications. This award is aimed at scholars seeking to take advantage of new possibilities offered by digital publishing platforms for presenting art historical research. It is also aimed at online publishers (broadly defined to include different kinds of online platforms that disseminate research, such as online journals, digital project spaces, and discrete parts of museum websites dedicated to scholarly content). The award is intended to help scholars move into the digital realm; to encourage innovative ideas in how digital publishing can support new modes and methods for disseminating art historical research; and to assist collaboration between authors and online publishers to enhance the digital presentation of research, which, it is hoped, will serve as future models for others and find broader applications in the field.

Scope of the Award

Applications are invited for projects up to the sum of $10,000. However, projects requiring smaller sums of funding of $5,000 or less are strongly encouraged. The award is intended as a subvention to assist with the development of digital tools, the creation of digital media, or enhancement of digital platforms that form a necessary part of a single discrete art historical essay, article, or project. The digital platform must already be in existence (i.e., the award is not for developing entirely new platforms or journals). The award will be offered on a two-year cycle.

Application Process

A completed application form and Letter of Intent and a completed application form must reach the committee by June 3, 2019. The committee will select the most promising projects and invite full applications to be submitted by September 2, 2019.

For more information on the Digital Development Award, download our pdf. The application form can be completed here.

Contact details: submit any queries and completed applications to

Projects funded by the inaugural Digital Development Award (2017–18) were:

Contact details: submit any queries and completed applications to